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Bechtel’s Impact Report

Bechtel Supports Local High School Technical Program

  • 04 May 2023

Hundreds of tools will help Ingleside High School students prepare for careers in construction

Bechtel donated today more than 800 new hand, technical, and construction tools to the Ingleside High School Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. Learning on state-of-the-art tools is critical for Ingleside students to master the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) curriculum and prepare for certification.

“The Ingleside program is all about offering opportunities to local students. We know early engagement is key, and provides results,” said Bechtel Tool Operations Manager Geoff Whitman. “The NCCER classes taught at Ingleside give students access to tools, resources, hands-on experience, and a path to certification to prepare them for craft professional careers. I would like to thank Ingleside High School, our customer Cheniere Energy, all the students and their parents, and my Bechtel colleagues for making this program a reality.”

Bechtel is committed to helping the community develop the next generation of craft professionals through local partnerships that can create job opportunities for young professionals on the U.S. Gulf Coast projects, such as Cheniere’s Corpus Christi Liquefaction (CCL) facility.